Now Jeff tells me that we need to help Chris find a place to do a little training while he's here. Hmmm, well cycling we have covered (Jeff took care of that)...running, he's on his a place to swim. Danny "Aquaman" Domingo volunteered to take him to the YMCA at Ponte Vedra. Danny does a great job putting me in the hurt box every time we dip a toe in the water, so it was nice to see him get some of his own medicine for once. Below is Danny's brief report after I asked him if he showed Chris who was boss:
"NO HE SHOWED ME.. nice fellow - tell Jeff thanks a bunch.. nice to swim with the guy who led Hawaii till mile 16 on the run. It was a hard swim – i need some fitness - 18x100s as follows:
5x 100s on 1:20 – holding 9-10s – swim
5x100s on 1:15 holding 7s - Chris was 5s -swim
5x100s on 1:20 had to take a 50 break – and put on paddles to keep up- 1:10s
3x100s swim on 1:15 – 6-7s Chris was 5s. swim
We were gonna do 20 but the pool was closing. . He is fit..."
Later that day Chris went at the Trek Store to give a presentation. A lot of athletes, especially those who are world class like Chris, talk about their results and how they've done in their races...but, he spoke about how to set and accomplish goals. It was more of a motivational speech that was highly entertaining, informative, and got the whole crowd involved. When it was over he hung out and answered questions and posed for pictures with anyone who wanted them. Not only an incredible athlete, but a great speaker and very personable guy. Everyone really enjoyed themselves.
He's also spent a lot of time developing a nutritional line that should be coming out this month. It's part of a venture called Base Performance Nutrition, and will have products to be used before, during, and after a race for recovery...keep an eye out for those products in both of Jeff's stores soon.
Jeff introducing Chris Lieto
Chris Lieto asking for another Salmon wrap from Native Sun
Setting goals and how to achieve them
Chris and Jeff...two Pro multisport athletes, between the two of them they have running, cycling, swimming, triathlons, water polo, football, and bull riding covered...did I miss anything??
Me telling Chris his days of having the fastest bike split in triathlons are numbered...he looks worried!
Here's another account of Lieto's presentation.